Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Wish Me Luck!

I am off for my ski date! I'll try to take some sweet pics. It is beautiful here today; a perfect day for frolicking in the snow! So "wish me luck", but not to "break a leg " because that hits a little too close to home!

Monday, January 30, 2006

So Sorry!

My posts have been anything but exciting lately, I am very sorry about that! I am promising a great, super, fantastic post, by Friday, seriously! Other than that, We are in that process of getting our vacation put together. I called our trusty travel agent, and she is on the JOB! So, it really is happening, we are going to a warm, sunny, sandy place. We have decided that an all-inclusive is the way to go! It seems like a lot of money up-front, but we figure it is cheaper in the long run. The boy is free $, we eat A LOT$$, and you barely need to bring any money with you since everything is paid before hand. A couple of dollars for tips and you get served like you are English royalty. I am so there with my dollar bills.

I have been astonished with how healthy Mason has been this year, quick everyone, knock on wood! He hasn't had a cold since August! We all had the flu after New Years, but even though you feel like you will die, it is so short-lived, it is easier than a cold. Maybe the special boobie potion is finally proving it's superior germ fighting properties. Or could it be that I wash my kids hands till the top layer peels off, I kid, I kid!

Tomorrow, my friend Jill and her husband are driving up and we are having a double date at the Ski hill, without children. I can't wait. I'll try to get a few pictures if I can figure out how to keep from destroying my camera.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Post 100!

This is my 100th post on this here bloggy thingy. Is that remarkable or what. I know I should have a spectacular entry, but I've got nothing! Well, maybe a few more random discussion pieces. Have I mentioned that I got a sweet digital camera for Christmas, with all the bells and whistles. It even has a setting for photographing children (meaning it is as fast as a film camera). Guess where it is...in the box still. I am scared to use it! I use my father-in-laws hand-me-down because I sort of know how it works. And I did just learn how to use the timer on that sucker! I also got Photoshop, but I haven't put it on my computer ! Did I mention these where Christmas gifts. A new blog design is another gift I got from Pedro, but we'll see if that ever happens.

Another thing I've been meaning to do is to update my links. There are a bunch of blogs I read and I should really give them a "shout out" and a "boo-ya" while I am at it. God, what has gotten into me? I've become a blubbering idiot!

Off to put the boy to bed, myself soon to follow.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A bunch of random nothing. . .

A writers block, again!

Yesterday, Pedro got home from work and we took our favorite pug, Otto to get his yearly shot updates. On the way there, my gaseous other half tried to casually let one fly.
"tinky fout."
Yes! At least my son is learning how to combine words and express thoughts!

Picture 036

Thanks for all your vacation suggestions. Ms. Mamma and Isabel had awesome ideas. We are looking into both.

So what do you think about the winter T.V. line up?
I have to say, I am getting very into the Bachelor in Paris. Is it me, or is he into the very young ones? He is diggin' the super young college party animals. I can't wait to see the girls getting all whorish in the hot tubs. It happens every season.
I am also into the MTV reality. "There and Back" has sucked me in. There is something intriguing about a boy band star who now has NO money left. As in -$27.00 and a baby on the way. Now that is reality.
Then of course there is "Meet the Barkers". The complete opposite as the previous. They are rolling in money. She sleeps until noon everyday, has a nanny for each child. Makes me sick. I just think about those poor kids. "No, you can't go see your Mama. She is sleeping, you can see her at lunchtime, if you are lucky." Um, isn't that half of their day, without their Mama? Sad. But remember, she is an awesome mom. It even says it on the introduction to the show every week, so she must be!

The house we are "flipping" next door, is sucking all our weekend energy, but is coming along. I can't wait to post before and after pics for you all to see. It is tiny but very cute.

Enough rambling, nonsense for one day. Be sure to check back for more verbal diarrhea!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sun, Sand and Bling!

We are dying to go on a vacation over here! We would love to go to an all-inclusive again like our honeymoon, but we are afraid to even get price quotes. When we went 4 years ago, we stayed at a plush all-inclusive in Riviera Maya and our whole trip was under 2000. Florida is always an inexpensive option, but you hate to overstay your welcome, which I fear won't be long with a 2yr old in tote. Uh, what to do? Another option is to do a last minute travel vacation. I have heard that you can get awesome deals booking last minute, as in like half-price. That would be sweet, and maybe I could feel a little exciting once again, all impulsive and caarraazzy! My ears are open for any suggestions.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Master Desructo strikes again.

How long does the destruction phase of toddlerhood last? Thank God my newest set of dishes were pretty much "blue light specials", because the boy thinks it is ok to give them a toss now and then.
Tonight after a very glamorous dinner of caesar salad and take and bake pizza, I thought I had everything cleaned up and put away. I realized very quickly after the sound of a glass plate shattering, that I had forgotten one measly dish. Who knew? We really didn't need that plate anyway. Really, what is the use of having 8 of everything? Does anyone really care if there place set has an Elmo plate instead? But, I have to say I handled it with grace (as much grace as I could bare). I put Mason immediately in time out while I cleaned up the shards, when I was done, ah-hem, *exactly two minutes later( the appropriate amount of time for a 2 year old)I took Mason to the trash can and showed him the plate. I am going freaking crazy! I feel like his sole mission these days is to destroy! When will it stop? I want the madness to stop!

*give or take a few or ten!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

It's all about me!

Since I've never done a 1oo things about me list and always wanted to. . . I thought I'd start compiling a list of things that you might want to know, or maybe not.

1. I am the third of 3 children, my sister is 14 years older than me. . .we were both oops'.

2. I have lived in 3 states, WI, TX and FL.
3. I am a natural blonde. When I lived in FL I had my hair low-lighted because in was white from the sun and kind of albino-ish.
4. I met my husband by flashing him, yup, bartime in college. A very proud moment!
5. I love Sushi, I crave sushi.
6. While pregnant I once left work early to buy a jar of jalapeno peppers. I craved spicy then.
7. I wear natural deoderant, it really works for me.
8. I am the worst germaphobe I know. Sometimes it prevents me from going places.
9. I have a bachelors of science degree in Health Promotion a minor in psych, ironic?
10. I love talking about breastfeeding, maybe because it was such a struggle?
11. I still breastfeed my 25 month-old son.
12. I try not to be a nursing nazi, but I think I still sort of am.
13. My water broke in my yoga class, 6 weeks early, it gushed!
14. I used to be a huge party girl, HUGE! Now I am pretty lame.
15. Of my family of 5, 3 are alcoholics. Thankfully I am not one of them.
16. I love to vaccuum. Even more I like to empty the canister to see how much stuff I picked up.
17. I've never been told I looked like someone famous, I sort of wish I did.
18. I long for a vacation. Someplace beachy.
19. I am addicted to Sex in the City, I really want the entire box set.
20. I still think my husband is very hot!
21. He is the best dad I know, besides my own.
22. I have a boy pug, Otto. I used to have a girl pug, Maki, who drowned tragically while we were on vacation.

23. I want a little black girl pug and I want to name her Ebi (eh-bee).
24. Religion is really not a big part of my life right now, I sometime wish it was.
25. I am not sure what I believe in.
26. My favorite beach is a nude beach, Yes, I go nude, ALWAYS!
27. I teach beginner yoga one day per week.
28. I am a coffee snob. I hate bad coffee.
29. I LOVE really good coffee.
30. We buy organic coffee and generic cereal.
31. I love to shop.
32. Target and Sam's Club are two of my faves.
33. I am scared to get pregnant again.
34. Earthworms freak me out!
35. I would love to eat only what I grow.
36. I want to have chickens some day, my husband won't let me.
37. I was a dancer for many years.
38. I like to sing, but never around people.
39. I have fine relationships with all my past boyfriends.
40. I remember almost nothing from highschool and almost everything from college.
41. I was kicked out of my house for 2 weeks in highschool, I remember that!
42. My mom drove me crazy until I had a baby.
43. Now she is one of the only people I trust with Mason.
44. On my 12th birthday, my dad bought me a bb gun!
45. We still tease him about it.
46. I love to ski, water and snow.
47. I have a snowboard too, but I always get hurt on it, so I am going back to skiing.
48. I'd love to ski on a real mountain.
49. I want to go back to school to get my RN, someday.
50. I have become a blog-aholic.
51. I am 5'7" but I always tell people I am 5'8"
52. I am a good cook.
53. An even better baker, ask me about my banana cake with cream cheese frosting.
54. I secretly love the song I Don't Know Much by Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstat.
55. I love Pottery Barn catalogs and dream about the day that I can afford to furnish my home with it.
56. My entire family eats pickles and cheese together.
57. Now my husband does too.
58. I think it is super cheesy when people use dh when talking about their husbands.
59. WI cheese really is better.
60. I love massages, and pedicures.
61. I rarely get them.
62. I have one tattoo and have had 2 body piercings.
63. I still want to get my nose pierced, maybe someday I will.
64. I love the smell of fall.
65. I hate how your nose freezes together on super cold winter days.
66. I wish I were really good at taking pictures, but I am not.
67. We are in the process of "flipping" our first investment home.
68. It is a lot of frickin' work.
69. I am not sure if there will be a second.
70. Somedays I want to have 4 kids, other days, just the one I have.
71. My dogs paws smell like fritos.
72. I like the smell.
73. My personality type is ENFP.
74. Basically that means I talk a lot.
75. I love clean sheets, I sleep better.
76. Line - dried crunchy towels too.
77. I could never work with old people, it takes a special person to do that.
78. In my purse you'll find 3 anti-bacterial products( see #8).
79. Purell, wet-ones, and clorox wipes.
80. Also chapstick and my wallet.
81. I hate onions and love garlic.
82. I love all things carb- related.
83. I love to read, wish I read more.
84. I think my teeth are huge my husbands are too!
85. We always joke about our poor big-teeth children.
86. I have never been skinny, I never will.
87. I am at peace with that.
88. My husband and I couldn't agree on a name for our son.
89. So we named him after us, Mike and Ann's Son.
90. I love reality TV.
91. My husband hates it!
92. We rarely watch TV together.
93. I didn't eat red meat until I started dating my carnivorous husband.
94. We've been together for 6 years, married for 4.
95. I have turned him into a mild germiphobe.
96. I want to go to NY so I can shop on Canal Street.
97. I also want to go to Laguna Beach, not because on the TV show, I swear.
98. I cry very easily since becoming a Mom.
99. Becoming a Mom is the best thing that has happened to me.
100. My life is good, and getting better every day.

A post ya'll may want to skip...

Whenever I am writing on this here blog thingy, I always have to stop myself from using ya'll. Why? I have no idea. Even though I don't think I have ever said it out loud, it seems very natural for me to write it. And why, you might ask, do I refrain. I feel like you have to be from the south, a true southerner, to use that special little contraction. But, since this is my special little place, I am turning over a new leaf, and I am going to use ya'll whenever I get the urge (even if I am from central Wisconsin).
Here Goes:

Ya'll, I have been working on a post for the past two days, All About Me. Whenever I check out other blogs, I always read the 100 things about Me. I think ya'll can learn a lot about a person. I should have it posted sometime this afternoon. Ya'll come back now, you here? (OK, I might just go throw up now from the cheese factor.) Hopefully I got all that "ya'll" business out of my system and I'll never feel the urge to use it again!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A Post of Pictures. . .

timer 010
Yay for camera timers. Boo for not being at all centered.
timer 008
Yay for a cute boy picture. Boo for not noticing the toothepaste until the fifth picture.
timer 007
Yay for quirky, mischievious smiles. Boo for the naughtiness about to happen.
timer 006
Let's just pretend he's an angel, and the naughtiness never happened, OK?

Monday, January 16, 2006

What the Hell!

I need help you guys. I was trying to figure out the timer on my camera and I did! I got a cute picture of the boy and me and tried to replace the old thumbnail up in the upper right corner. It won't work, well it sort of does...If you click on the old picture the new one pops up. Not what I had hoped for. Try it. Any suggestions? Why am I so blog challenged?

EDITED! OK never mind. Once I put up a new post, the new pic is there. Enjoy!
GOD! Do they offer remedial blogger classes, geez!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Don't let the bed bugs bite...mmuuuuhhhhhhhaaa!

Did any of you watch the Today Show yesterday? The very cute Matt Lauer did a segment on pillows and it was a freaking nightmare (pun not intended, but I'll go with it!). Seriously it was horrifying. They talked about all the things that were found on the average person's pillow like, dead skin, hair mites, body excretions and secretions (so lot's of people are apparently freaks in the bedroom), fungi and the list goes on and on. They also talked about how the weight of your pillow and mattress double in like 5 years time, all due to skin being trapped inside. Oh My God! Now you all are aware of my germiphobia, but luckily, on Tuesday morning I did a little online shopping and bought myself these and my finicky husband these. Before you think I am completely psycho about germs, let me remind you that I has heard nothing about this segment, so there!
After the segment was over and my eyes unglued and the gagging stopped, I called my minorly germiphobic mom and asked her if she had seen the segment. She hadn't and said, "So let me guess...you are never using a pillow again." Thanks Mom you have a very special way of confirming my insecurities. So, I'll rest assured as soon as my pillows get here. As far as sleeping elswhere, I'm doomed. I hope you all have a wonderful nights sleep. Sweet dreams!
Quick note: This week is de-lurking week. What this means is that you should say "Hi" while you are here. I know there are a couple hundred of you here daily and I'd love to hear from you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My Baby Boy is a Model!

For those of you who don't know, I have a very good friend who is very into photography. This friend, Megan, has recently started her own business and has a very cool website that you should definitely check out. Another reason, you can see my very handsome boy in her children/infant gallery. I think his photos are 24-29. You've got to check her out and say "hi!" Tell her I sent you.
*maybe she'll continue to take pictures of my boy then even when she's uber famous!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pimps and Ho's Welcome!

Alright, I have been hesitating on writing this, because I really don't want it to come across the wrong way BUT. . .
. . .I have this neighbor. He is very cute, 54, in exceptional physical shape, and owns one of the nicest houses on our block. He is the director of the home furniture department at a nice department store downtown. He also has his own business of selling window treatments. Yes, he is gay. He has a partner who he has had for years, and they spend every weekend together at my neighbors house. He is the nicest guy and has been nothing but awesome to have as a next door neighbor. There have been rumors that this guy, we'll call him D, has another business as well.
Now this is where things get fishy. Rumors suck and I hate to be a part of them, but as much as I hate them, I still listened. It is said that D is a male escort, ahem, to put it nicely. So with that being said, yikes! When we first heard about this, Pedro and I were in complete denial. "He is way to professional to have a side job". . .or is he? Lately, things next door have been making me seriously question myself.
  • about 5 different men frequent D's house on a weekly basis. but I have friends who stop by weekly.
  • of these men, there are a couple who do drive by after drive by, as if waiting for him to get home. if I go to a friends house and her car is not there, I'd probably keep going.
  • these men never stop over if the well-known partner is there. maybe they don't get along with the partner???
  • these other men never stay more than an hour, ever! Oh God, I know I am a chatty Kathy, but come on, don't most people visit longer than an hour occasionally?
  • some of these men leave with seriously flushed cheeks. yup, they're doing the nasty, then going home to they're families. eeeewwww!

Ok, so am I wrong here? Am I over-reacting? What I really want to know is, "Do I have a homosexual whore house next door?" Because eeeww, no one wants to live next to that, or am I prudish?

Now, with that being said, I am in no way bothered by the gay lifestyle. In fact, some of the people closest to me happen to be gay. Great, fine , fantastic! And lets be realistic here, I straight whore house would be just as gross, if not grosser, no? So let me know how it sounds to you, puh-leez, prove me wrong.

*Any gay bashing comments will be deleted immediately. Just be nice, OK?


Hey everyone. I think we are finally on our upswing of getting healthy. FYI something happened to my blog and I wasn't able to see anything on my sidebar. If you are having the same issue when you are here retype the address without the www and it comes up perfect.

Thursday, January 05, 2006


We are at day three of "the sickness". The barfing has stopped and the pooing has begun. Some would say "that's a good thing" however I am extremely nauseas today and that is not a good combo. I need a nanny just for changing runny poo diapers. Any takers? Oh, come on! Chickens.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Our version of a crazy Friday night. . .

snoman 003
Friday night was beautiful here. The snow had been falling pretty much all day. For those of you amateur snowman makers, the snow has to be just the right consistancy, and it was. We popped this baby up in a half hour. Then I decided I didn't want any old snowman, I wanted a gourmet one, hence the green olive eyes and the thai pepper eyebrows. Are you all impressed now?
snoman 005

We have a puker!

I've been too busy to blog lately. The Holidays, need I say more? They're over and I couldn't be happier. Now I need to get my ass back into shape! It was nice to have Pedro home a few extra days, but now of course the day he has to go back to work, Mason wakes at 5am puking! Oh what fun! I am on wash load #4 and outfit #3 for me. I lost count for him. Apparently I am way nicer to puke on than the puke bowl. He literally turns his head away from it and throws up all down my chest. Ah, the joys of Motherhood!
This bug is a really weird one. When he is not puking, he is playing as usual. He keeps drinking water and has eaten, but nothing wants to stay down. I know when I am really sick, I can't even think about eating or drinking. Also, no runny poo or a fever, hmmm, I just hope I can avoid this one. As we speak, he is crashed out on the living room(something that has never happened) floor on a mound of towels and an old pillow. It is a whole lot easier to strip off one towel at a time.
Our New Years Eve was fun. We went over to a friends house and were home by 10 and in bed by 11. We are super exciting these days, let me tell you! I should go check on the boy. I have pics to upload later. Wish me and my antibodies luck!