Friday, June 01, 2007

My Favorite Things

If I would've written a post yesterday, the title would've been The Day My Kids Made Me Drink By 5pm SHARP! The day wasn't a very smooth one. But today? is better! So now I'll tell you what I am currently obsessed with because Ashley wants to know .

1. Lip Venom courtesy of Metalia. It is supposed to give your lips a bee stung look. I think it smells fab and feels awes!

2. Lean Cuisine Spa Meals, Butternut Squash Ravioli. I understand not everyone is on Weight Watchers, but these are fantastic! My only issue, like with all these freezer meals is that I am hungry within an hour. I am all about quantity and I 'd like about three more ravioli.
I can't leave out this dynamic duo either. This green olive salsa (which, what a rip, $28 for 3 jars? I buy mine at Wally World for not even $3 a jar!) with these multi-grain chips, mmmmmmm... Mason and I can't get enough of the stuff. Pedro thinks its nasty but doesn't like olives either, weirdo.

3. Regina Spektor.

4. Honey I Washed the Kids Soap and King of Skin body butter. I've never had to really hold back from tasting something so often. This soap smells so good it has to taste good, right? The body butter just gives my super dry skin a ton of greasy moisture that I love.

5. Margaritas!! It's summer! Is there a more summery drink? And sometimes you just need a drink by 5 pm!

Let me know what you love right now, m'kay?

Edited: I wrote this post on Friday and just had to add the linky love. And on that note, Doesn't all this linky love knock your socks off?


Spout said...

I will have to try that salsa.

Lush stuff rocks!

Silly Hily said...

I can't think of any of my favorite things right now. Well, other than margaritas cause...yeah...

Unknown said...

I haven't heard of Honey I Washed the Kids soap before, but there's a local place here called the Manitoulin Soap Factory and they have a line of really cute soaps for kids.'s hours of fun in the bath for the little tykes! I sent Ms. Mamma one for Snowflake. If you'd like me to send one for your kiddos, lemme know ;)

Unknown said...

I <3 Regina Spektor!

....well, and margaritas!