Monday, July 31, 2006

I'm still here...

I'm just in the midst of spontaniously combusting! It is fricking hot here. Today it is supposed to be 101. I know it is hot everywhere right now, but Friday night I couldn't help but curse a little when it was 96 in Wisconsin and 88 in Miami, Florida. I am sure it doesn't help that my big pregnant body doesn't handle the heat well.

Today I am 33 weeks. One week from today. I had Mason. God, does that freak me out. I keep reminding myself how different everything is this time. I was really swollen already with Mason and it was December. This time my wedding ring still fits! The next time I see my midwife will be the 15th, the day she starts at a new clinic. I think I am her first patient.

This weekend we painted baby sisters room, BLUE! Yes, I know. I have to admit though too much pink gets a tad nauseating and makes me think of Pepto-Bismol, so I wanted to counter act. We bought the bedding and it came last week. It is pretty colorful, so I wanted the walls to be kind of plain. Yes that is coming from a person who has an olive green dining room, a terricotta living room and an avocado little boys room! So I am home today, trying not to melt.

Ice Cream! I hear it does wonders for hot, pregnant, crabby ladies!?


Isabel said...

Sorry about the heat!!

Love the bedding!

Christy J said...

it's rainy here today. Can I get some preggo pics??? PLLEEEEEEEEASE!!!

Ms. Mamma said...

Please, let Pedro pamper you. Ya hear that Pedro? For fun why doesn't he piggy back you around all over the place? Hee Hee JK;)

Silly Hily said...

I hate this heat! I can't believe it's as hot there as it is here though. Wow. You do have air conditioning, don't you? YAY for the wedding rings still fitting!!!! I was oh so excited when they fit through my whole pregnancy this last time.