Friday, August 04, 2006

Nothing to say...

It has been a boring week. I have really nothing to talk about, except that I haven't left my house. I am getting to the point where I walk a few feet and I am pooped. Or, even better, I walk a few feet get kicked in the bladder and feel like I am about to wet myself. I run to the nearest bathroom to relieve myself only to release about 3 dribbles. Too much info? Sorry ladies it is all I have to talk about these days.

Other than that, the county fair is going on right now. As much as I love how close my house is to a very nice park, I hate the "fair week" each summer. My uncle describes it well,
"People come out of the woodwork. They save up their money all year to spend at the fair on rock band mirrors and oversized stuffed animals."
You'd have to really see these toothless folk to understand.

I am having a baby shower on Sunday. My mom is having it at her house for me. I never got to have on for Mason since he was so early. The day my Mom was dropping off the invites at the post office, I dropped my water. Ironic, no?

Enough snark from me, I'll try to post some pictures of the belly and the shower.


Christy J said...

Awww!!! I hope it goes smoothly for the next few weeks!!!! Have a great shower!!!!!

Silly Hily said...

Yes, please post pics from the shower.
Oh how I remember being so pissed about feeling like I needed to pee like an elephant only to have those few dribbles come out. Ugh!
It'll all be over soon my dear.