Thursday, September 07, 2006

Still Here...

I haven't gone yet, but I have a feeling it may be today or tomorrow. I have been completely pukey for the past 24 hours and can't imagine feeling this flu-ish for the next week. Has anyone else gotten barfy right before having a baby, or is it all in my head? I am so miserable! I can't eat, I slept awful, and I just feel so nauseous. If I don't start to feel a little better later this morning, I am calling my midwife. It is that bad. Wish me luck.


Christy J said...

Girl, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! I can't wait to hear that SHE IS HERE! Good Luck!!

Silly Hily said...

I remember puking the morning I had Silly Girl but I knew I was in labor. Just not enough to go to the hospital (actually, I had already been but they sent me home).
Keep us updated and GOOD LUCK!

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

thinking of you and sending you easy labor vibes. hope you feel better (and are holding that new babe) soon!

AnnieM said...

Thanks Girls! I am still here, still nauseous as hell too. Ugh, this feeling is awful. Contractions all day, but nothing painful.