Monday, October 10, 2005

Too Much Stuff . . .

At what point do I say WHOA! I have so much stuff going on (hence to lack of postage). We closed on our "investment house" on Friday and Mike Started roofing it within a half hour of closing. . .I haven't seen him since! The man is a roofing fool, he was conserving his energy by peeing off the roof and not using precious energy to climb the latter for a useless bathroom trip. Hey when you've got the tools to aim why not use them right? Ah, the joys of having man meat.

On another note, I start my JOB today. That's right, I will be starting my afterschool program today. From 4-5 I will be sweating profusely from trying to entertain 14 Kinders and 1st graders. Then next week I start my adult yoga class. It is such a change from just staying home. Although it is only a combined 4 hours, I need to feel somewhat prepared. And I am lacking on that feeling. Anyone willing to send me good vibes BRING IT! I need em'


Christy J said...

A JOB? Yuck!

Pedro said...

My hands hurt, I would like a vacation.

AnnieM said...

How about a vacation with all the bling I am making at "work"!?

Christy J said...

You can always come to j-ville!!!!!!!!