Friday, October 19, 2007

Ongoing Battle

My little quad of a family is doing fine, except for the constant cycle of colds that we've been passing around for the past 3 weeks. It's been impossible for any of us to get a decent nights sleep.

That's all pretty petty though.

I know I've mentioned before about my families struggle with addiction and substance abuse. It's back. It's exhausting and hurtful and a relief all at the same time. A relief because now that things have come to a head, hopefully healing can start.


It's easy to get caught up in the negative, but I am not going to. Instead I want to tell you a little story about a Friday night a few weeks ago...

In Wisconsin, we have what is called "Friday Fish Fry". Other states have fish and chips but none of the ones I've had have ever compared. When Pedro and I lived in Florida, I am pretty sure that not a Friday went by without us reminiscing and drooling over our beloved Wisconsin Fish Fry.

A couple weeks ago, we all went out for a Fish Fry. It was disastrous! Our waitress was the worst ever. She reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite, the awkwardness of it all. We gave her our order she wrote it down without ever looking up and then just walked away without saying a word. No "Thank you" or "I'll get your order right in." Nothing.

Our kids added to the "fun". Once our food came we began putting food on
Harper's little place mat. She ate a very few bites and then directed all her efforts to ripping off her place mat. She pulled and pulled until finally the suction cups gave and little bits of food went flying and landed on the table behind her. No, I am not joking. The table let out a little "what the hell?" then went on trying to have a nice dinner out. Ha! Good luck with that when we're here!

During all this drama Mason was singing, "put the lime in the coconut and stir it all up, put the lime in the coconut a mix it all together." Each time he sang it was getting louder and louder. Nice. It was by far our most chaotic dinner ever.

Without even finishing our meal, Pedro and I decided we needed to get the hell out of there. We started packing up all our stuff and also apologizing to the tables surrounding us.
Everyone just smiled and said it was fine. It wasn't though. It was like The Gong Show except the gong never rang to end the skit.
One guy actually said, "Thank You. I had a really tough week and you made my night. It was funny."

That man is my new hero.

Have a good weekend everyone!


MP said...

How great you weren't surrounded by A Wholes... I JUST heard the Lime and Coconut song last week on my way home from work...and it was stuck in my head for 2 your made it stuck in there again.. grrrrr
Good luck with the other stuff, been there done that. Not pretty.

Ashley said...

I am sorry you have to deal with addiction in your family, I think we can both agree it is one of the hardest thing to be faced with. Any time you ever need to talk email me :)

Anonymous said...

Now I have that song stuck in my head.
Sorry that you're all feeling sick, we have been passing it back and forth too.
As for the addiction in your family, I think alot of us has been there. So (((hugs))) to you, and remember if you need to talk about it, we are all here for you:o)

Unknown said...

Hey there.

This has nothing to do with your excellent post, but I'm forced to leave it as a comment because I don't see an e-mail link.

Are you aware there's a woman in Boston who has ripped off your blog name, and is using it to promote herself, and a terrible book she's self-publishing in November? I kid you not.

I'm in the publishing business, and I have a real issue with self-published authors who put out books that would be better off unpublished.

Thought you should know.

Yours in bloggerdom,

Kristen McLean

Unknown said...

LOL! You guys are just way too cute! Who needs TV when you've got live entertainment? ;)

PS. WOW! I'm impressed...Mason knows the lyrics to some pretty good tunes!