Monday, August 28, 2006

A week 's gone by...

Today I am 37 weeks. I am full-term and relieved. Last week was rough. My parents who will be taking care of Mason when I have baby sister were in Texas. When my Mom left, she came running back in the house to tell me to keep my legs crossed until they get home,Tuesday which is tomorrow. So now I am happy. The day they left, I was sure I was in labor. I laid on the couch teeth chattering, having contraction after contraction. I was freaked out! Tomorrow I see my mid-wife for a full exam. Then Pedro and I will be having sex every night until this baby comes. Now there is the juice you've been waiting for, right? I'll tell you all about it on Wednesday. Or maybe just a little.

Friday was our 5 year anniversary. We stayed home and had steak and shrimp. Our most low-key anniversary yet, I think I was in bed by 10, alone, eh.

Even though this pregnancy has been easier than with Mason, I still am getting uncomfortable now. I keep having these shooting pains in my hoo-ha, and braxton-hicks all day long. Those things suck! They aren't painful, but they are exhausting and irritating. I feel like I have a basketball in my stomach that is about to shoot out through my skin. Oh, and the stretch marks are back in all their glory. Those pretty, pretty stretch marks! Last week my midwife also told me that she doesn't think this is a huge baby. She thought 7-7.5 full term. Sounds fine to me.

I have so many other things that I have been promising too, pictures of the nursery. My two slings which I can't tell if they fit because of this huge belly in the way. Belly pictures. Anything else I am forgetting? Because I forget a lot these days and my thoughts are pretty scattered, no...


BlueGoddess said...

Congratulations for making it to 37 weeks!!! I know how worried you were. The good news is that once you are in the delivery room it will only be a day at the most before you get to see this beautiful bundle of joy. Good Luck on an easy delivery!!!

LJR said...

glad you made it to the 37 week mark. hope your exam goes well. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the nursery, etc.
Take care.

Silly Hily said...

Braxton-Hicks are a bitch. I never got them with Silly Girl but had them all the time with Silly Boy.
Hang in there girl. It will all be over soon.