Friday, September 28, 2007

Back with a Vengence!

Sit back, take your shoes off. Hell! Go make yourself a margarita!

This could take a while.

Button's new resident is moving in today and we could very well be slapped with a lawsuit from Captain Dickwad. First, we got phone call informing us that we should write him a check for around 4 thousand dollars, just cuz. Right. Let me get right on that. We didn't and he had his lawyer write us a somewhat threatening letter telling us to pay an absurd amount within 5 days. I don't know about you guys, but do people usually have 4 grand in between the couch cushions? What a dumb ass. The totally hard up realtor went and tried to find any way possible that he could get some money out of us since we fired his sleazy ass. I guess there is some clause stating that if a seller refuses a full asking price offer, commission is to still be payed. We were actually offered full price with the contingency of replacing the furnace ( a 2 thousand dollar contingency BTW) so we aren't too worried. Asshole.

Button's new resident is a girl I know. She is actually a single mom with a three year old son. She is super excited to be moving in. The day she started moving in, we were hanging out chatting when my other friend and neighbor walked a fresh baked apple pie over to my house. It smelled fantastic and was and still hot when I got home. Who knew you could be both a fantastic photographer and pie maker. Not to mention a Weight Watcher sabotager, hmph. Anyway, we sliced a piece and devoured it. I decided I should take a slice over to the new button owner. I got it all ready and told the kids I'd be back in one minute since she's right next door. I headed out the door, dropped off the piece of pie and Mason was directly behind me. We headed right back to get Harper who I could hear screaming at the door. I reached for the door and Oh, Shit. LOCKED! She must have been reaching for the door handle and spun the lock just enough to lock it. I ran around to the other 3 doors of our house, all locked. I started to freak out. Before I could think of anything else, I went into the garage, grabbed a screw driver and sliced the hell out of my bedroom screen. Mason was willing to be my little helper and crawled right in and unlocked the door within 10 seconds. Thank God for my little helper and my safe little girl.

I feel like after my writing slump, I all of a sudden have so much to talk about! Oh, and tomorrow, make sure to stop by. That's all I'm sayin...


Ms. Mamma said...

Thanks goodness for nice neighbors and apple pie. Maybe AssFace will slip on a banana peel. I'll keep my finglings crossed.

ps...I'm totally waiting for your next post, blogitzer!

Pgoodness said...

Oh, locked out, geez! I would totally have panicked! Good thing you figured out a way in and you had such a good little helper!

That Chick Over There said...

Good grief!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Glad you're a quick thinker and thought of using a screwdriver to take out your screen! Nice that you had your little helper with you!

PS. Don't worry...Mr.Dickwad (AKA Ron Jeremy's twin) will get what he deserves sooner or later. I'm a firm believer in karma!

IndyWilsons said...

WOW! Holy drama, mama. Two things...I checked back today because I couldn't take the suspense, but...
And what's up with profile--Wausau, WI Afghanistan??