Friday, September 14, 2007

Proud Mama.

Today we ate lunch at McDonald's. Every time we go (once every couple of weeks) we see the same lady. A deaf woman whos job is to wipe down all the tables and keep the floors tidy. We keep her very busy.

I have never heard a sound from this woman however she is always smiling sweetly. Today I talked to Mason about her. After she had come over to sweep underneath our table for the third time and I mouthed "thank you" to her. I explained to Mason that the woman couldn't hear - she was deaf and that she speaks sign language. Then we talked about the signs that he knows. "Thank you" being one of the few he remembers.

As we were leaving Mason pushed the high chair that Harper had used back to its spot. The woman was right there waiting to wipe it clean and took it from Mason. Again I said Thank you to the woman and Mason put is hand up to his chin and brought it out signing "Thank you" perfectly. The woman who never says a word immediately said,
"Aww, your welcome!" in her distinct hearing impaired voice. Mason walked away proudly and I held back tears. My heart nearly swelled from my chest. He had made her day and mine too. This sweet little boy is mine!

I couldn't be more proud.


Bearca said...

That is so sweet. That literally brought tears to my eyes! You must have been so, so proud of your boy. :)

Pgoodness said...

Aw, so sweet! I'm proud for you..nice job, mama.

none said...

How beautiful! Remember moments like this when you are feeling like you aren't doing it right!

Unknown said...

That is soooooooooo sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is soo awesome!

MP said...

Very very sweet.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

That is so sweet!! Wow! I bet that really made her feel good too.

LJR said...

great story....thanks for sharing.

Crunchy Domestic Goddess said...

that is so sweet. definitely a proud mama moment! :)
