The past few weeks I've been down. I am not sure if I started evaluating my life or it just came and slapped my face, but the truth? It hurts. I've been thinking about the people in my life that are really there. Through thick and thin, when they don't want to be, when they've got better things to do, they still come through. For me, there are very few.
I think maybe I expect too much. I know that if I commit to something, I follow through every. single. time. Not everyone else is like that and I need to except that and stop letting myself get down. I think I take it personally. When people let me down I always play it out in my head as something else was more important. But really, that sucks. It sucks to feel not important enough.
My Dad is one of those people that is there, always. I know that if I really am in a pinch, he would move mountains to help me out. I was not raised to be all mushy gushy and expressive with my feelings so I never have been able to tell him how much I appreciate the qualities I've gotten from him.
We are both slow to warm-up and sometimes I think it's misinterpreted as coldness. However we'd do anything for people we love.
We are both stubborn.
We are both fun-loving.
We are committed and passionate about things we really believe in.
We walk exactly the same.
Someday I hope to be able to tell him how proud I am to have gotten these qualities from him. But for today, I sincere Thank You will have to do.