Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Yesterday we had a doozy of a storm. One that ripped one of our trees in half and laid it clear across the street. Also one that ripped the power cords from our house and had them laying in our back yard, SWEET! One that also kept us without electricity for 18 hours. Wow, I am glad that's over.

Thursday and Friday I agreed to watch my friend's daughter while she has to go back to work to prepare for the school year. I think having two kids is hard and for the next two days I'll have three! Wee!

Does anyone know what happened to summer? How did it fly by so fast? I think this has been one of my favorite summers ever. Until next year...
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Pgoodness said...

I have no clue how it went by so fast! Feels like it was just May and we were anxious for warmer weather - now it's time for school? Someone hit the pause button!! Your kids? Freaking adorable, by the way!

Anonymous said...

You have a great looking family lady!!

Ms. Mamma said...


Oh that sucks. My power was back on at it was only eight hours. WTF.

Pedro said...

We had an urban campout, we were without power until I called WPS again at 6:30 am the next morning to complain about the power lines laying on our deck!

Unknown said...

Seriously! I agree with you. Where did the summer go? It totally flew by!

Your kids are adorable!!! But you already know that! ;)


MP said...

I am sorry to see summer go..but was loving the crisp feeling in the air this morning!

Christy J said...

I got that feeling yesterday.... that it is OVER! We haven't taken Hayden surfing yet, and it hit us yesterday. I think we are going after work this week. I wouldn't be the beach babe that I am unless I taught him to surf!

You guys should come hit Disney with us!!!! We are thinking about going in December, that is an AWESOME time to go. They do the Osbourne family lights, and make it snow and all. It is pretty Magical for us Florida folks that never see snow.

Damn, long comment. Sorry! Muuaahh!