Monday, August 27, 2007

The weekend in photos- Now with more donger!

We had a fantastic weekend. Our friday night out was actually us celebrating our 6 year anniversary and our first time away from both kids in 11 months!I even got to wear a pretty dress!

We stayed out a whopping hour and a half, long enough for an appetizer, 2 mojitos and scallops with lobster risotto. The food was actually just OK but the time out was so nice.
self portrait in restaurant

Saturday morning we woke up and drove up to my parents cottage.
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the always popular driving photos

It wasn't warm enough to swim and hangout in the lake, so we decided to take Mason and Harper to a Wildwood Zoo.
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Mason couldn't ask for a more exciting day.

But, by far the Zebra was most excited!

The End.


Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I wonder if that's big in the zebra world.

You look gorgeous!!

AnnieM said...

Thanks Rachel! The picture doesn't even do it justice. It was THAT big!

LJR said...

you look great. love the dress. happy anniversary. hard to believe that 6 years has gone by already. Congrats! Love the car photos. Luke and I have a lot of those.

IndyWilsons said...

You look FABU...a total knockout! I am inspired. And, that zebra...yowza!

Unknown said...

Wow! Excellent photos! I always say this, but you have such a beautiful family!

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

You looed great! i love that dress!
And for the zebra, ummm.....well....nice. I was not expecting that:o)

Silly Hily said...

Eeeeeew. I've never seen a Zebra pee-pee. Male animals scare me. Including male dogs.
Love the pics, you hot mama you! As always, you have a beautiful family.
Happy Anniversary. Glad you two crazy kids got a night (or a couple of hours) out.

That Chick Over There said...

You are so pretty!

The zebra penis? Frightening.

MP said...

LOVE the dress!!!

Christy J said...

I guess they really are back with white stripes.

Pedro said...

Hum dinger.