Friday, August 24, 2007

A-how you say- Date?

Tonight Pedro and I will be attempting our first night out since Harper came into our family. I am so looking forward to a fancy dinner without having to pick chunks of food off the floor or having little food crusted handprints all over my person. Cross you fingers and Harper doesn't flip out as we're walking out the door...I want to wear my pretty dress!

Pictures to follow.


Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

I want to see the pics of your pretty dress. Um, sneak out! Always works for us. I cannot believe this is the first time since Harper was born that you guys are going out by yourselves. I'd be goin crazy by now!

Have a great time!

Ms. Mamma said...

Happy Ann, Ann! Jeeeeez, you're so damn easy...I would have thought you would've hit Pedro up for The Wright Place, but you're the CSW(cesaer salad whore), I know. I hope you had the potato chips, too... *raises a big glass of red zin to you two* cheers!

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys had a great time! And I wanna see pics too! Been so long for me dressing up to go out, I don't think I own anything pretty now(or at least would fit me).

AnnieM said...

Hahahah. We didn't take any full shot pictures before we went so after I read Rachels comment at 10 pm last night, I put my dress and shoes back on and took some pictures. CORNEY!!!

Unknown said...

Sweeeeeeeeeet! Date night sounds fun! You two kids be good now, y'hear? LOL ;)