Friday, January 18, 2008

Dream Home, part 4: The Waiting Game

I don't know about you but when I am waiting for something, I try to keep myself busy.

First my worry wart genes wake my ass up at 4: 15 am.

Then I turn into a Betty Crocker/ Martha Stewart wannabe.

That'd be a spinach and feta omlet, potatoes and sausages!


"I like it when my Mom is trying to keep herself busy!"

Then I make my kids go outside and "have fun" in the blizzard we are having just so I can take pictures of them.



Then when the kids are good and worn out I put them both down for a long winters nap and wait some more!

The floors get scrubbed, clothes get washed, and then my crazy domestic brain starts to think about chocolate cake! Hot Damn! Some how we happen to have all the ingredients to make it, with homemade chocolate frosting too!


My kids wake up just in time to help me frost.



Then we eat a totally Weight Watcher Friendly Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Cream Cheese frosting!
And I am very, very good at lying to myself at this point!

And then we finally get a phone call...

Later today, I swear. I cannot neglect my kids any longer!


Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Ooooooh, seriously girl, that was wrong on sooooo many levels.

First, you dangled fresh baked chocolate cake in front of my eyes and then teased me in to thinking you were gonna tell what happened!

MP said...

You are SO mean!
I must have that cake recipe..OMG that looks AWESOME.. AND I want that breakfast. It really sounds like an awesome day...

Ashley said...

Recipe!!!!!! With the news about the house of course :)

Ashley said...

Dude. Seriously. Bring it!

Unknown said...

GAH! Harper and Mason are sooooo cute!

I'm with everyone here...we must have that recipe!!! ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Annie, I haven't been here in so long . . the blogging slacker I am . . . but I look forward to hearing about the house situation and see more beautiful pics of your children. Good luck with everything!