Sunday, November 25, 2007

In the top ten for the worst day ever.

I am so tired I can't believe I am even going to try to describe my day. It was long and horrible and HORRIBLE!

Harper woke up this morning to a beautifully snotty nose. Everyone though it was so cute that her snotty cousin was feeding her pumpkin pie from his fork. They were all "awww, how sweet!" as my germiphobic mind was all "are you serious? The kid has snot running from his nose directly to his mouth and I see nothing sweet about it!" I just get tired of being the germ crazy in-law so I zipped the lips that time. Stupid. While I am very aware that kids need to build their immune systems. I don;t think you need to go around licking Pietre dishes. I think that is overkill.

Pedro spent the weekend working on more projects. Our partially finished attic is now a nearly finished playroom. While I can't wait for the kids to have a room to call their own, I need a little time to breathe on the weekends. This weekend, the very long weekend, I felt like I held my breath for hours at a time. By noon I blew and went pyscho informing Pedro that he wouldn't be taking on another project for a year. I am not sure where I came up with the time frame but it was what came flying out of my rabid mouth. By one o'clock I was sent out the door (psycho works!). I needed to catch up on a ton of things, including grocery shopping.

My first stop was at the home improvement store to get paint for the "project" room. I picked out the paint color, had it matched and went to check out. As I ran my debit card thru, the cashier looked at me and said it was not accepted. Just as all this was happening, Pedro happened to call my cell. I told his what was going on and he said it was not possible for the card to be declined since there was money in our account and in our overdraft account. With the line behind me growing, they told me to go up to customer service and call the credit card company. I was embarrassed and pissed and irritated with a short fuse. I told them I really didn't have time to sit on the phone and I left- with no paint and more ammunition for my powerfully shitty day.

I got to my car and told Pedro the rest of the story and that I was afraid to go grocery shopping, fearing my card would be declined again. We both decided that I should go and get cash from an ATM. I drove to the closest ATM which was also our bank. I stuck my card in and immediately it said that my card had been confiscated and that I should contact my financial institution. I think I may have also seen a little green monster pop out with his thumbs in his ears singing- neener, neener, neee-ner.

I am not why I didn't start crying at this point. I drove home and Pedro informed me that our debit and credit cards had been blocked. After a half an hour on the phone with the card company we found out that yesterday there was suspicious activity on our card. I put $25 in gas in our car and 2 minutes later at the same gas station our card was charged another $75. They noticed the strange activity and blocked our accounts. The $75 got erased but my fricking debit card is gone.

When thing finally got figured out I went to grocery shop and to get new paint. As I was walking into Wal-Mart to get some new Dutch Boy paint, two cars slammed into each other five feet from me. It was Wal-Mart. Typical.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! It was exhausting just reading that post! *sigh* You poor thing! If I lived closer to you guys, I'd suggest having Pedro watch all the kidlets while you, Ms.Mamma and I unwind and have a few Mojitos ;) LOL!

Hope tomorrow is less stressful than today was! xo

Pedro said...

I'm always up for that, I love kids! The playroom was not my idea, it was just my job to make it happen. It will be done soon, then things will go back semi-normal.

GreenStyleMom said...

Sorry you had such a crappy day. I've had something similar happen to my credit card. It is awful to have your card "declined." And why don't the banks call to tell you they are putting a hold on your card?!?

I am very jealous that you are going to have a dedicated playroom!

MP said...

You have to IS great when they realize that your accout is hokey..but talk about a pain in the ASS...we had that happen to us a couple a months ago w/ the mortage all f*ed up...NICE

Dirkey said...

The same thing happened to my brother with the gas station, cops said it was the attendants stealing the cc #'s. wierd!!

Anonymous said...

I am soo sorry about your crapy day. At least the bank was looking out for you, but still, no card-no money= not good. Hope your having a better day.

AnnieM said...

Icing on the cake? Harper was up until nearly 2 am, she couldn't breathe!

The card people sauid that gas stations and Wal-Mart activity look suspicious. Go figure.

That Chick Over There said...

Oh sorry about your debit card. That just sucks so bad!

Unknown said...

I'm soooo looks like you need - and I repeat NEED - one of those Starbuck's drinks you like. I hope that today is a better day!

LJR said...

i am sorry to hear that you had such a bad day...hang in there and it was good to vent. Take care.

Christy J said...

I'm sorry!!! We LOVE our playroom... but my friends ALL tell me we should make it back into a family room. Anyways, I wish I had an attic. It would be like 110 degrees.

We miss you guys!

Wenderina said...

STRESS. It's a killer ain't it? And when you're already stressed and people are shitty to you, it's the worst. Just remember, the week can only get better.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Wow, that sucks big time!! My bank did the same thing to me recently, but I didn't go to an ATM so I didn't lose my card.