Monday, November 12, 2007

The weight is over.

This Saturday, I went back to Weight Watchers. Not that I ever left or anything, I just wasn't going. It was been months since I lost a mere pound. With my 30th birthday approaching in 18 days I've been revived and I am going to look good. I've set a reasonable goal for those two and a half weeks of 5 pounds. I can do it! Why five pounds? Because 5 pounds would put me at a very pretty number(to me). A number that I've been wanting to snuggle with.

I am not usually one to care about numbers. It's been made very clear that a number is nothing more than just, a number. I still weigh much more than I did in college but some of my smallest college jeans fit me with ease. My body is so different. My B's have become functioning D's. My once flat stomach has grown 2 healthy babies and is marked with proof. My budonkadonk no longer carries as much junk in the trunk as it did in my party days. So basically I still have problem areas, they are just new areas. Should we even talk about the muffin top? No? Good. I hate that.

So for the next two weeks I am working out hard, molasses cookie intake will be kept to a minimum and I am going to lose five pounds by December 1st.

Also, if you haven't left me your favorite workout song, could you help a girl out? So far, so good.


phenom said...

Oh yeah, if you don't have this one, then you have nothing.

Rachel (Crazy-Is) said...

Good luck with the five pounds. Also, you already look gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Good luck lady! You can do it!
As for songs, I have no idea, but I like what people been sugesting you already:o)

MP said...

It's been a couple months since I went to a meeting and I can tell I packed a few pounds on and I'm not happy with myself. Next Monday I'm going back. Thanks for the inspiration.

Christy J said...

Ok, it's on. I am with ya. December 1st... 5 lbs. I'm emailing you.

Unknown said...

Bloodhound Gang's "The Roof is on Fire" :) Hey, don't laugh at me! ;) This song just really gets me all revved up to work up a sweat!

You already look wonderful, gorgeous, and downright smokin', but I know what you mean. My 32nd b-day is a week before Christmas and for some reason I've been really working out a lot lately.

Unknown said...

PS. I know it's not the most appropriate lyrics, but you've gotta admit, it gets you wanting to workout! LOL!

The roof the roof the roof is on fire
The roof the roof the roof is on fire
The roof the roof the roof is on fire
We don't need no water let the motherf#$@er burn
Burn motherf*&%er burn